I’ll be very clear – I’m not vegan. I have no desire to become vegan, but I do have a lot of respect of those who are vegan. And I have to admit – vegan food has definitely benefited my health. I’ve lost weight, I have more energy, and I feel better overall. That’s why I keep preparing vegan dishes and sharing with you all what I find or make on my own.
Sounds good? Let’s go!
Jackfruit is hard to describe because of how versatile it is. You can use it in faux-pulled pork recipes or you could use it as a complement to ice cream (I need to try that version).
The one thing about jackfruit I’ve discovered is how big and meaty it can become – up to a 100 pounds (that’s a lot of faux pulled-pork sandwiches, y’all).
I found the already prepared jackfruit at my local Whole Paycheck, erm…Whole Foods, but I’m sure you can find the same at Trader Joe’s, Sprouts, and other health food stores. It can come prepared, in cans, or just ripe like the picture above.
I decided to prepare it with grilled bell peppers and just have a bowl. For a vegan meal, it was actually quite filling and one bowl was more than enough. (So for anyone to say vegan food isn’t satisfying probably aren’t eating it or they’re not eating the right dishes.)
I personally like jackfruit as another alternative to the wonderful bland and basic flavor of tofu. One can only eat so much tofu before you feel like you’re turning into that spongy food.
I can’t wait to try other dishes involving jackfruit including the faux pulled pork I keep talking about.
How do you like your jackfruit?
I barely eat meat and I don’t think I’ve tried jackfruit yet. I need to get on that.